What is Somatic Experiencing?
Who are we when we are safe enough to be who we are?
Somatic Experiencing is a form of body orientated therapy that works with the regulation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), the vagus nerve and the healing of physical, emotional and soul traumas. It was developed by Peter A. Levine 45 years ago and is now taught all over the world.
Stress in the body is stressful.
Long periods of stress, traumatic events and shock can create symptoms such as anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines and other types of headaches, fibromyalgia, depression, digestive problems, low libido, cystitis, and bladder issues to name a few.
Stress affects our relational interactions.. How we communicate, trust, love, our sense of safety with those around us and the environment we live in.
The premise of any Somatic Experiencing session is to create spaces of relative safety where we can tune into sensations that may have been blocked, hidden or stifled. One of the key elements is to give time to the body to unfold and experience sensations at its own pace in a safe enough environment. In this way the body finds new opportunities to discharge, release and reorganise itself into a more regulated state. Once we become more embodied we are more connected to the signals in our bodies of what is going on, we regain our innate rhythm. The practise is gentle, deep and profound. Over time this work can bring the body, mind and soul back into union.
What is NeuroAffective Touch?
Developed by Dr. Aline LaPierre, NeuroAffective Touch recognises our human need for connection, attunement, trust, autonomy, sexual authenticity and love. Therapeutic touch not only touches the surface of the skin, it also touches the thousands of sensory nerve receptors in the joints, muscles, connective tissue and organs and these sensory receptors carry information directly to the brain. NeuroAffective Touch is a way to communicate through sensation that engages the language of the body at a level where we have all received our first imprints.
Somatic Experiencing, NeuroAffective Touch and Somatic Movement are methods that gently and deeply begin to unwind, reorganise and reorient the system back towards a more integrated, embodied and creative state. In these sessions we work together to listen to what needs to be heard and how best to support the body and mind in this process.
All sessions are fully clothed.